Friday, August 16, 2013

Why Size Matters

I know that men reading this might have immediately made the “ooohh ouch” face, but I am here to speak for women everywhere to tell you that size does indeed matter. But rest assured I am not only referring to the size of your nether regions, but actually to many things that the portion size matters. For example:

Height: On my Mexican sojourn I realized more than ever, no girl wants some short, short man. As my scuba instructor reminded me, Mexicans are a compact people. So while screening the seas for fish and sexy boat captains, I made sure to crane my neck downward. This led me to find the boat captain of my personal snorkeling tour. Normally I would proceed with more caution than to get on a boat ALONE with a young man, but there was something about his caramel skin, and chiseled body that convinced me. I don’t know if any of you have tried to flirt underwater, but it is rather difficult. All my cute quips have been silenced, all my touching relegated to swimming for my survival. So once back on the boat I let it slide that I didn’t have a boyfriend and soon I found myself putting more than a snorkel in my mouth (not that you dirty birds) with hot and steamy make outs. Now that’s all fine and good (and oh honey it was good) except when I went to get out of the boat and kiss him goodbye, I realized I’m almost a head taller than him. Now I’m not that tall, so it’s not really cute to bend down to you kiss your man like you’re embracing a child. When you stand next to him you don’t want people to think that you’re his babysitter. No my friends, you need a man to stand over you….you know to protect you from monsters and dragons and stuff. Its part of that innate feeling of wanting to be taken care of. Think about it, the princess always ends up with the studly knight, not the motley dwarf. Also there is the short mans disease to consider. You ever notice how short men can be really agro, or buy a lot of flashy things? Its cause their compensating for their lack of size with the size of their overbearing mouth or obnoxious car. Lucky for me though, I found it easy to indulge in a meaningless vacation romance despite what he lacked in height. It turns out we were not doing a lot of standing around together.

Wallet: Yes you may think me shallow, but the size and reach of the wallet matters, and people who say otherwise are liars. Have you ever met a woman that was like, “yes I love dating broke ass dudes that take their lemon and parsley on their plate to go.” When this same friend described the hippie painted car that her date drove in, his silent expectation that she pay for everything, and his very crowded and very small apartment, she actually felt guilty for not being impressed. She considered herself an open minded bay arean liberal, why should she care if the guy she was seeing was a little short on cash? Because money matters people! Its cool to fool around on a twin bed with your roommate in the room in college, but its not so cute as a grown ass adult. There are some things that become more important with age and money is one of them. I am not saying that men should pay for everything, no one wants to feel like the whale with the hovering sucker fish eating all your leftovers, but both partners should hold their own. Though be aware of being dickmatized ladies, cause this same friend continued to pay for everything because some things are worth buying.

Penis: Ok yes, you didn’t think I would skip this very important size distinction did you? Men, I know we told you that it doesn’t matter and that its all the motion in the ocean, but dude, we lied. It really matters. Though fear not because size is relative, and its about length, girth and growth. I have been in fact mighty impressed by the grower not the shower. And its not because I or other women have huge vaginas, its because when you are engaging in an act based on touching and sensation, and you can’t physically feel anything, it’s a problem. Now you might get angry with me and suggest that its not the only thing that matters, but its pretty damn important. Take another friend’s experience. Girl meets boy. Boy and girl fall into that quick exciting romance that sends shivers down your spine every time they touch. They send the adorable text messages at 2 am and fall deep and hard. So inevitably boy and girl get naked and it turns out that boy does not go deep and hard. In fact, she could barely feel the poor mini wiener. So what was girl to do, continue being in love with little pinky? Break out a massive vibrator to further deplete his ego? Well folks I hate to break it to you, but what she felt in emotion she did not feel in her vagina, so she had to say buh-bye. I am not saying there’s no hope for you small Chihuahuas out there, I’m just saying study up and get really good at what you do. Tantric, gymnastic, upside down, or swings, find a way to her done because honey, it really fucking matters.